Mold Testing & Inspections

The Future of Mold Testing is Here!
Pure Air Macomb is excited to be one of the only InstaScope mold testing providers in Michigan. Why? Because this groundbreaking technology is revolutionizing the way we detect and eliminate mold.
InstaScope mold testing equipment features cutting edge technology that delivers fast, accurate results. Using UV light and advanced algorithms, the machine assesses the air in your home to identify mold spores and provides results almost instantly.
Instant Results
Traditional mold sampling has about a week turnaround time. The mold tester takes hours to get the samples. Then the samples are sent to a lab, with the results coming back days later. The tester then has to write the report detailing what the lab analysis shows.
We provide results AND the report right on the spot and email it before we leave. Our mold testing machine completes the test in about 60 minutes, providing accurate results sent to your email the same day. You get immediate answers, and the results are simple to understand.
99% Accuracy
With traditional sampling, the mold tester takes the samples and mails them to a lab.
The problem? The lab technician only looks at 5% of the sample under the microscope, counts the spores they see with a clicker, and comes up with the results.
There is a huge margin of error with this. What one lab tech thinks is a mold spore, another tech may not. One famous study found the standard deviation was 75%. This means the accuracy of lab techs is so bad that if you don’t like the results of one lab, then send it to another. The second lab might tell you what you want to hear.
Why hasn’t the industry done better? Because this method was the only option the industry had. It’s not too long ago that mold testing was done with petri dishes (which is even more inaccurate!).
The Origins of InstaScope™ Technology
InstaScope technology was created by DetectionTek, a tech company based in Boulder, CO.
The UK Ministry of Defence developed the technology to detect anthrax in airports, train stations, and other facilities after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. DetectionTek later worked with leading professors at the University of Colorado, calibrated it around mold, and came up with the InstaScope.
InstaScope’s groundbreaking technology is the first of its kind, and its results have been published in several peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The Only Technology for Instant Indoor Air Testing
Schedule an InstaScope Mold Test Today
Contact Pure Air Macomb today to learn more about our state-of-the-art mold testing process and to schedule a comprehensive mold test for your home